
ComNets has successfully founded the following startups:


Wandelbots is a company from Dresden, which has set itself the goal to democratize the robotics industry. Wandelbots’ products enable everyone to teach robots quickly, easily and cost-effectively – without any technical expertise or programming skills. Thanks to Wandelbots revolutionary TracePen the use of industrial robots has never been easier. The user performs the activity the robot is supposed to learn in an exemplary manner, with a wireless pen in his hand. The robot’s movements are recorded in real time in space and the intelligent software converts them into automation scripts for robots – regardless of their platform. Thanks to interchangeable tips, the technology can be used flexibly for various applications, such as deburring, pick & place, gluing or welding. Designed as a complete solution, the TracePen already contains all components required by the user. This also includes a tablet with an app as an intuitive user interface that guides the user in five simple steps from setup to immediately executable, manufacturer-specific code.

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Meshmerize develops reliable connectivity solutions for dynamic industrial applications, based on wireless mesh networks. The novel multi path routing of Meshmerize allows it to quickly adapt to network changes that may either be caused by mobility or environmental changes, both of which are becoming increasingly prevalent in the growing Industry 4.0 use cases. Although currently Meshmerize is predominantly used for AGV connectivity in automated warehouses, there is a plethora of possibilities to use Meshmerize in other industries including mining, connected cars, public safety and agricultural machinery.

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CampusGenius builds and operates 5G campus networks. We help you to deploy your own private 5G mobile network, modified to the requirements of your applications.
Campus networks offer new applications and enhance existing ones to foster automation and digitalization by providing large bandwidth, ultra low latency and connectivity for massive devices in wireless communications. CampusGenius further develops solutions to drive the softwarization of mobile networks from Core to RAN.

campus genius logo


Groundbreaking research is at the core of all that we do at Mimetik. We design a technology that helps to interact with millions of devices without long manuals and trainings. An intuitive interaction with machines is a main principle in all stages of Mimetik product design.
​Our product gives an eyesight to machines by analysing hand movements. We avoid mediators like keyboard, mouse, joystick, tablet. Machines understand a human directly by watching the hand movements through our gloves. They are not prone to an occlusion like cameras. A person has full freedom of movement, not limited by wires or a working zone.
Our software is a brain making understand what the gloves see. Complex and detailed trajectories of multiple sensors are interpreted as actions using artificial intelligence. Highly dense tactile sensors measure the pressure in each point of fingers and palm to give a full understanding of objects in touch. Visual, sound and tactile feedback gives you a comforting support whatever you do.
​We interpret the hand movements creating an action list. And you can use this list for automated documentation of manual labour, for increasing security, for cooperation with robots, and also for E-Learning.

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Enari GmbH is developing a cloud-based software platform for Human-in-the-Loop Computing. It is our goal to understand and anticipate movements of human beings to take Human-Machine-Interaction to a new level.
We follow innovative approaches to integrate sensors and actuators on the user and component, as well as distributed processing in a local cloud and a classical server backend.
As all applications are realised with the lowest latency possible – meaning in real time – we are acting in close contact with research in the area of tactile internet. This includes acquisition, transmission and processing of data, as well as the corresponding feedback to the user. Furthermore we are working on developing new materials and manufacturing processes in the area of extreme lightweight construction.

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provides an AI-aided software solution that intelligently reduces the staggering amount of data IoT sensors generate, while preserving infomation for cheaper and sustainable connectivity and storage.

bitteiler logo
Werbeagentur Dresdenbetreut von der |Feuerpanda GmbH |Design & Technik || www.feuerpanda.dePNG  ��� IHDR���������x��� pHYs����od���tEXtSoftware�<�� �IDATx{de}'f.@($@6Ȑ,fS[j^$JQ ݀%j5aSAS M TdD"Pn#e.3 sLWO_>?(y9 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������0� QQ&{%ߴi${OmQݧ9ލdq-8דl~o$yy$SRl?CE�!e+vIf$U]Oyڄfk^N-ՈĶTS(caCщ/'yi>.a�1otǞ5}j(Lc!TaC1 �P|$$9zYӶfnw۲3*ojc%9�ن$M{(}87Žwlo.�f]5I~du{;�exIޓTM~�T%'?'YޢZ8Ԇ1I~7I~+թp�0I~$WTCg@T`8<|HN�P&%wI(ɉ5p[IN]X�$&y�腭Iϊ޺i2Tu�InNnV L�(S|.{�&I./.d6]LЯޕ2ƙh}oG�75�ؚ$_ovԗLHr]_�I@,*wd*/ɞuӬoF�;䄺k.Xu@a0MrG Ijhܤ I.�豿Hߊj`-j �K~3.hZWu|y-LO":�Ě$ɓnNrh�ГB@Oo;Ee$ߏ�cKm{6P&ǧ:^}'� Q$z�B�$b:L'a#]�0KuK�dI?�Њ$yOltm`Y�Zub]vz72x|�f&:xWEn׭(_$wAAttP �#WI^$A;:PVh�)$N'9Qs;&7y N�asN#�3?�tˢ$_:�׉c�S:L~@Y_꒿�@w="yu.%WIiL&Y�YTn\G�>�zm$�m�Յ ~dϹ��esv><�(F�d$O%Nϥx;h�Pv>n��VOny LOr_;_�tۋ{s;#���V?@,Hu ["�k~"6:pF4�7'yO+h5�hq�7oeV�~䨖�zamB@�Ց^=+LF1�@=[ �n�wfݫgLIr�^XW$o͎(#@[^&GfNtn!�PYl��ˬ6�>B�ޙՏɲ$f_�vev`PI~sf�>Z�w ��0|:�N@!�@ػ/I^N �FdT;؏>�@-oLL?� i{L@�L ,�iG�fZ!ɾ-�dޜrL�j�.�Δ|�pL �z�`����ASr��ה#�X&lJ[�]ZE}S��I썩u�&*�޽:�zd � � ��Fm4��6�6iO:�eu�I,'8,?� 2ɵ�& �w�a�`�.})��`x*�,A!�@i��.]��'��ڥ;߿L&ymv�`mO{l0q`y4�6`َ�tÛ޴s}g] ^�nz;[oyd�L: hX"YZ>uWƞ4}k(Fǂk/>�Î^�,^kO=j2i�XZC!0=6oNFä�쳓{Xl'�@_Yn#Tz�~Ux 9Zώ~�1$+WV;ja�B\ `j\p]0)'G~tir}%\Pw5`-cM? Nn1<&� Ϊ|A] 08&� y}(y+�fc� [$X�L� |{ɉ'] П�Zg}w>/[ð>`=HXZfM'EQwE@I�|w$Vw5@}M 0SOMnZ,xauW�B^+tի /�!`q�uYX �j,!T~﮻�#�@rɪU;�`c|Z50d�`c~8G `"@k�-_\}r] 0w@,Lb~wIm%7ݔqD�۽Lϋ+VT^w�Y$��[0d⋓v"5�}˖%\uWruWޢy�w#j}G] 03#�@XQ]Vk}`j�a X�O��dߟ{n�9 �cM曓j�G>;ꪂ˖] YwX#Tϯ"U%٣*~�zmyIv `DsLu퀛oN;j`>/̀�Ӽ>F�O̟s}'Ot��KN/a%��}裓oLn%9ᄺa�uV>H:j`X�yɇ>j`�{9̂�� ŋk$pRuWL��̡&_zri] %YPw�wW;j, T邫WW^_6/nuWUU7za"��#oɻ]w5P'�A'ZU8𺫁:�[C"%�q{s}G?Z]X��$Y<;O�@NJn-#�V6{ﺫN��parEڵ'%CC��Ѳe5$wݕqF@'��w$Z8Ⱥ��ZbEukM٧j9`.W5?qG@[2ǒGhR��fCɹ&矯3�_\rIr ?c@'16�D\w]r/] t��0+Yy1� /|'lպ�F֭׾|uWl$ܒ\rIuW$E��ᇓΫ5�%?_?߮`R�$��reں+i^uW {M~5�__??`�uU庫Zg �Т+/N{JmWT7Zw%@5d[dۼ ɭ[\xar)ɪUuWݦ$bjΫ&_brU+] 9�,o}+'͉��4cKnJٔ$��3$Hr꩚? ?S�06oN3I6n7�χQ26߸�R�ݰ}{r e�� ?ǓJbs  :G~0y5`*F�`hlܘ| ɟieK�M�76ɳ] 06$� ~ᄎ+˸5�� 5kyvx9 @ٰ!gk14.??Id{Y} ĶmW|ɯ~Uw5`{Hd@R �Onn] 0vLϛl#PGI??9�Br%q%+W] 0|v)�Wlݚ|k'>__w54�:rK~�@VN>j_zc� ?_?;ߩ`ۺ5WO}*yIj1i�xB`4\Y_Jؓ)�N}=7D�n/ /LN9%`̎^<$;x+H^~j�&�+.JJ�&Siߎ)"ْꎀ@+;y{y~_d؋y4 �nyU`&O摽ɗ\uU+uW0[~O �F�`*۷'freO] @�`*7 7]@k� Sٶ �b��κ��H��$��e0k�${ɎF�${]�U57d)4�� ]z���O��$��BzP�;ON0Y�y �z牉& �� ]~r2#�I,w(+>۫�Z7'O$�`X<1Ʃ�0&�� '&(��pki.�m*�<ڽ:�d'=׿L'ٔda7+�$Kd7&(mIvU�@W=:YOH5]*�Gzc�0�0y#��0 �F��` ��0 �L6$ٷ��ݶHF��ޜ)�����`8Mg �Ӧ�oMgZ(IvdE�@WmKW6ӎ�Lq!�o=<]OfH�A3c��`t$�X�e="$)eI;�@$ˊvqH}�`P<8SOf7$?c1�@o̪g ��0\nN�� YY/+g,o�۞)CflG���VvV�̺W�nn�w;[OIk-�tۣE =$�zZٹ�pS�Rnu `A�EÊdl?@lMrCU�]W4;qIos�@לP؛[]"y =~�;[mI6?�t|)$)ݓ�tijI/Z`[#�E%W,�1׶6G�L%yE�h$o)pk�R$|�sv2$)}M\�dC�H"y1r �e:q Ij $o�="yu.@$q�Yx? ъN�w8P'[6ܝlƜo4[c >~A7}K�)g&ۧYsNsxf8&6c �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������vO4f